Use Setten with the main Terra SDKs

Let's look at how easy it is to use our LCD endpoints with any existing Terra SDK/tooling by updating their documentation example to use Setten.


Terra.js does not support custom headers or query strings yet.

We recommend using basic auth for the time being as shown in this example and described in Authentication.

import { LCDClient, Coin } from '@terra-money/terra.js';

const settenProject = "37677fb03e7d426e8ecfd56f36655577"
const settenKey = "4e4a6106c6354339a263d23090559804"

// connect to pisco testnet
const terra = new LCDClient({
  URL: `${settenProject}?key=${settenKey}`,
  chainID: 'pisco-1',

// ...


import asyncio

from terra_sdk.client.lcd import AsyncLCDClient

SETTEN_PROJECT = "37677fb03e7d426e8ecfd56f36655577"
SETTEN_KEY = "4e4a6106c6354339a263d23090559804"

async def main():
    terra = AsyncLCDClient(f"{SETTEN_PROJECT}", "pisco-1")
    terra.session.headers.add("Authorization", f"Bearer {SETTEN_KEY}")
    # ...
    await terra.session.close()


sync synchronous LCDClient does not support custom headers or query strings yet.

We recommend using the async client until we solve this with the TFL team.

Last updated